Saturday, April 20, 2013


The university of Ghana rugby team (TITANS) will  be able to write it name in the annals of history if they win against  their rivals and league leaders;
Cosmos buffalos  today at the athletic oval. The team will be the first to win the first ever national 15’s to be held in Ghana’s history, it would also have beaten Cosmos for the first time. This match is a must win for Coach Julius because he will need it to push his agenda of  new rugby equipment. Finally, the team will now have a rich curriculum vitae regardless of the back seat the discipline takes in the university.
The national 15’s league is the first ever to be staged by the Ghana rugby association (GRA) and anyone who wins it will go into the good books of rugby in Ghana. Tomorrow’s match provides the team an opportunity to be the first to annex the trophy as they come up against Cosmos buffalos who over the years have proven to be a torn in the flesh of the UG lads.  
Secondly, a win for the team will bring honor and joy to players who will make history as the first set of players to trash Cosmos. Previously, inexperience on the part of players and travelling issues caused team UG to lose against its rival but now the team thinks it is of age and is ready to feed the buffalos to the vultures.
Coach Julius, who belongs to the school of thought  that say that rugby is not all about the body but also about  intelligence is hoping to see good rugby from his lads in order to prove to the whole of Ghana that rugby is not what they imagine it to be.
Finally, a win will boost the credentials of the discipline of both local and international. A win will make the school authority and some companies look the team’s way. A win will take the team three points clear of Cosmos. This will give team UG an upper hand in the final game slated for the 4th of May.
All is set for the match tomorrow at 9am. Come one come all and support team UG to glory.


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