Saturday, October 6, 2012

UG Ladies Go into Rugby!!!

The University of Ghana is a diverse community whereby academic learning is not the ultimate purpose. Its a platform for students to entertain diverse activities such  as religious, sporting, modelling, acting and many activities.
Some ladies then took up interest in Rugby and started training 5 weeks ago. The first University of Ghana female rugby team saw the daylight in the first semester of the 2012/2013 academic calendar. They trained effectively with Coach Julius as they were getting ready for the one day seven aside female rugby tournament held in Legon on the 6th October 2012.
The UG Lady Titans in their first ever Rugby tournament finished third after beating Floreant B by 20 tries to 0. The ladies showed agility and speed as they counted the likes of Abigail Dzamessi, Magdalene Ashong and Bernice Yeboah in their midst. Abigail, a 100m sprinter provided the speed from the wings as she swiftly moved through the defense while Bernice and Magdalene provided the power to block and prevent opponents from tackling.
Coach Julius, University of Ghana Rugby Coach, was pleased with the girls performance and congratulated them on their performance. He also thanked Mme Gifty Annan-Myers, Chairperson of the Ghana Rugby Association for organizing a successful and giving the UG Ladies Team a chance to display their worth.


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