Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Volleyball Experience at University of Ghana!!!

  Playing sports at the University of Ghana is a remarkable experience of friendship and competition. It is hard to put into words the joy and fun I had meeting so many fantastic Ghanaians and competing with them.

During my year at the U of G, many of my favorite memories are times with the team. Despite all of my years of playing competitive volleyball, playing at U of G comprises the best team experiences I have had. As a foreign student competing, I was treated as a fellow athlete. My skills were measured against the skills of my competitors. Yet, I knew that whether I did well or not, the athletes were my teammates and respected me as the individual I am who just wanted to play sports.

I was always welcomed like a family member! The athletes and coaches I met are determined, hard working, good humored and incredible people. The U of G Sports Directorate works very hard to accommodate these athletes and insure that the participants know their value as a representative of the premier university in Ghana.

I found this to be very respectful. I will always fondly remember competing with the U of G, and I can't wait to see the athletes from this program enter into the international arena.


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